Vitamin C Therapy

High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy

Vitamin C Therapy

For over 250 years, Vitamin C has been used to treat many maladies in the human body. In the current century, it has proven effective in the fight against polio, sepsis, and many bacterial and fungal infections. In most recent years, research supports Vitamin C is effective in the fight against Lyme, COVID, and even cancer. At RENUE Wellness we advocate our High Dose Vitamin C therapies in addition to traditional cancer treatment and prevention protocols.

The science of high-dose vitamin C is ushering in a new era in the fight against cancer. Super doses of vitamin C delivered through the vein has been shown to be toxic toward cancer cells. In most cases vitamin C can complement the effects of chemotherapy and radiation.  Toxic towards cancer cells and safe for your body, we are excited to follow the growing research supporting the use of Vitamin C for health and wellness.